About Us

Anton here. Ever since I was very young, I’ve been fascinated by the night sky. I mean, how couldn’t you be? Gazing up into the eternal vastness, how could you not be captivated by the galaxy of wonder above?

Starts, planets, shooting starts, the moon, the constellations!

moon and stars in night sky

And then, as day breaks, the sun rising on the horizon, and maybe even seeing an unexpected glimpse of the moon once more! It was – and is – endlessly fascinating.

So, I started this website to try and cover all the planetary delights I would want to read about myself. I’m starting small but going big. Expect lots more content soon.

Please let me know if you like what I’m covering, or if you have any requests for new topics. I’d love to hear from you.

Our Team

Anton – Creator of Living Cosmos v2.

Anton bio pic

Anton here, founder of Living Cosmos v2. I would call myself an amateur astronomer and budding sky-marveler (I’ve literally just coined that term).

Fascinated by the night sky, it was a honeymoon to Maldives which really captured my imagination! Seeing the stars like a magic carpet in the sky, without the usual night pollution, blew me away.

Since then, I’ve always had one eye on the sky. Even as I take out the trash on a weekday evening, I’ll take a quick look up towards the moon and check which stars look the most vibrant that night.

It formed part of the catalyst to starting Living Cosmos, taking it over from the previous owner, who had a PhD in Science and books to his name.

My goal is to build a fascinating website on topics I enjoy and to provide an outstanding Astronomy resource for everyone to enjoy.

I want access to the fascinating realm of Astronomy and Science to be available at no more than a click or tap away for everyone – no matter where in this fascinating cosmos they may be!

By the way, if you like our content and benefit from it please do share it and add our pages to your resources!


Olga Moreira – Resident Astrophysicist

Olga Moreira PhD

Olga Moreira has a Ph.D. and MSc in Astrophysics, as well as a B.Sc. in Physics / Applied Mathematics (Astronomy).

With her extensive experience as a technical writer and data analyst, she honed her skills in conducting cutting-edge research in the fields of Astrophysics and Space Science.

During her graduate studies, Dr. Moreira secured two research grants to conduct her research at two of the most renowned European institutions in Astrophysics and Space Science – the European Space Agency and the European Southern Observatory.

Her research interests lie in the areas of stellar evolution and internal structure, solar physics, and the emerging fields of machine learning and artificial neural networks.

You can find some of Olga’s publications (including her PhD thesis) here https://independent.academia.edu/OMoreira/Scientific-Papers-in-Astrophysics

Sample article

Read Olga’s comprehensive piece on Types of Stars – Stellar Classifications, Lifecycle & More